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About Croft36


We were fortunate indeed to start negotiations for the croft tenancy of 36 Northton in 1997. After agreeing the price with the outgoing tenant and being accepted by the Crofters commission, we began work on croft improvements, we drained the entire croft and planted vegetables and were able to sell vegetables locally, in the farmers market in Stornoway and from the croft to passing trade. Years passed which saw us build a house and work in diverse occupations such as Mink trapping, Fishing industry, hospitality and care. Croft work [aside from sheep] took second place, but we were able to plant several thousand willows and other trees; oh and have three children. More years passed and in 2010 we started making and delivering seafood meals to visitors and residents alike. Later that year we started selling dressed Crab from a kiosk, Crab sales were bolstered by home-made bread and cakes. The following year we built the shed/shack which is still in operation today complete with the original honesty box system.

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Croft 36

Craft Bakery


What is a craft baker?

Craft bakeries produce speciality baked goods on a small scale, sometimes in their own home. Typically they start baking early each morning and supply goods for consumption on the same day. Some make a wide range of breads, cakes, pastries, pies and quiches.



Present Day

Still fortunate indeed! We are now able to focus on doing the things we most enjoy, such as making soups, quiche and meals using Leverburgh Langoustines, Crab and Fish [thanks Donald Norman and Murdo] also growing vegetables on the Machair, or strawberries, salad crops and tomatoes in our polytunnel. Baking includes butteries, bread, scones and tarts. We also enjoy willow weaving using our own willow and intend to increase the choice of products we currently have over the next year or two. 
An exciting new venture this year is our masonry oven which we are able to fuel with the coppiced willow we planted 20 years ago, we are hoping to make assorted craft breads and pizza! …more about this as it happens.

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36 Northton, Isle of Harris


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Monday to Friday
11:00 AM

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